Behind the Name
Just a glimpse into my crazy life. I use a different color for every member of the family! It keeps me from having to write who...just what , where and what time.
I am a mother to 3 Fabulous kiddos and one Remarkable Stepdaughter ages 14 to 6! One boy and 3 girls. They are a smart, busy and talented bunch. They keep us on our toes, and drowning in a sea of dirty laundry.
I have a wonderful hubby...... he is my best friend, my sounding board, my other half...he makes crazy, while at the same time keeping me sane..and he's super cute too!
Wannabe Chef
I attribute most of my chef tendencies to my marvelous parents who taught us how to cook very early on. Hours and hours of Yan Can Cook, The Frugal Gourmet, Julia Child and don't forget the cooking segment on The Victory Garden (we were and still are PBS junkies)
Can you imagine our excitement when Food Network was born....
and I would be amiss without mention my go to gal...Martha Stewart.
Most of my recipes are adapted from several recipe searches and things I have picked up along the way.
Avid Reader
Again, this addiction is attributed to Mom and Dad. We were those kids who by the time we got to high school, had read the summer reading elementary school.
Is there anything better than getting so lost in a book the world around you falls away...and suddenly hours have gone by.......Love it!
I am an epic procrastinator, "Why do today what you could put off until tomorrow...or next year for that matter..." Does it count that I thought about, planned and envisioned getting things done....
(& Crocheter) I love knitting and crochet, I find it calming and productive, a creative outlet....
Nerdy Girl
Once a Nerdy girl...always a Nerdy girl...
Things that feed my nerdy girl soul..
Finishing the crossword pen.
Smart Phones, computers, tablets (any form of techie gadget)
School supplies colored pens, highlighters, post name a few
Books in all form Library, kindle, bargain Barnes and Noble you name it....
And my favorite Nerdy girl Website

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